It’s taken me 2 months before I’ve been able to post about my last blind date of 2007. He was a great guy; passionate about his job, comfortable in his life, highly recommended by a friend and best of all, easy on the eyes! A couple years younger than me but still in my “age range”, he was however looking to have kids. I’m definitely pass the prime age for that and I’ve put a cross on that, decided that this was not the card I was dealt in my life. It was obviously very important for him as it was his “not negotiable” requirement in a relationship.
However, the disappointment was not only during the date per say but also to realize afterwards that he was not calling again. Even though he gave me the “he needs friends like me” speech, we was never to be heard again.
Love connection = 0
Friendship connection = 0
Double rejection. One would think that after all these years of dating, I would have learn to take rejection easier.
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